Middle School Summer Camp - PACE, Scottsdale, AZ

Middle School Summer Camp - PACE
9151 E Bell Rd. Suite 102,
Scottsdale, AZ
(480) 538-0828
Age Group
$100 - $250 (Per Day)
Camp Focus
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About Camp [-]

SUSD is supporting a NEW Pre-Algebra acceleration class for 7th grade students entering the 8th grade in the Fall. Upon completion of this intensive, comprehensive Pre-Algebra class the summer, if the student passes a comprehensive pre-algebra test administered at the end of the course, he/she will be allowed to enter Algebra 1 in the 8th grade. This proven curriculum is being offered by Arizona certified teachers. Study Skill and Test Taking Strategies will be covered in this class. Empower your student to excel in Math and "Pick up the P.A.C.E."! Session 1- June 10 to June 27 Monday through Thursday, 9AM to 1PM. Session 2- July 8 to July 25 Monday through Thursday, 9AM to 1PM.

Camp Activities [-]

Academic Activities

  • Science

Locations of this Camp [-]


Camp Address:

9151 E Bell Rd. Suite 102,
Scottsdale, AZ

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