During week two of Camp Architecture campers will get to design and build a indoor putt putt course. Each camp group will design a specific putt putt hole for the course and on the last day of camp all the campers will get to play the course. Each day of camp will focus on the design and production of a specific component of the design which will also reinforce key architectural design concepts such as; topography, form, massing and structure, ornamentation, and construction. The putt putt course will be built from easy to use materials such as cardboard, paper, fabric etc. (no power tools or wood shop tools will be utilized) so that the kids can have as much hands on access as possible. There will be one field trip at the beginning of camp to a local putt putt course to conduct a precedent study and analysis and to have some fun. Parents will be invited to view and play the course on the last day of camp.