Teenagers Abroad - French Immersion Canada, Montreal, Ontario, Canada

Teenagers Abroad - French Immersion Canada
Montreal, Ontario, Canada
(800) 219-9924
Age Group
Under $100 (Per Day)
Camp Focus
Architecture, Language
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About Camp [-]

Toronto, Canada offers a colorful ethnic mix of people, rich & deep history, and astonishing architecture. Tourists travel to Toronto for the city's non-stop adventures!
Toronto currently has more than 4.5 million people living in the city. Many of the residents of Toronto come from all around the world, meaning that the city has a diverse ethnic background. Former Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, once claimed that Canada is more of a mosaic of cultures and languages than a melting pot. This can be realized by simply walking down the streets of Toronto and listening to the dozens of different languages being spoken, such as Greek, French, German, Hindi and of course English.

Camp Activities [-]

Academic Activities

  • General academics
  • Language

Locations of this Camp [-]


Camp Address:

Montreal, Ontario, Canada


Off Season Address:

, Canada

Camper Experiences [-]

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