SJ Riding Camp, Ellington, CT

 SJ Riding Camp
130 Sandy Beach Road,
Ellington, CT
(860) 872-4742
All Girls
Age Group
8 - 16 yrs
Over $1000 (Per Day)
Camp Focus
Horseback riding
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About Camp [-]

SJ Riding Camp was founded in 1956 by Mary E. Haines as a riding camp for her
children and their friends.  Since then, the camp has grown into a comprehensive riding
facility and general activities camp while maintaining the family oriented feel that
provides each camper with individual attention.  Our camp provides girls, ages 8 to 16,
with a safe place to improve riding skills or learn to ride, take on the responsibility of
horse care, improve their horsemanship skills, and have fun while learning to be active,
caring members of our camp community.

SJ Riding Camp, a horse camp located in New England for girls 8-16, is an ideal place to improve your riding skills, learn more about horses, take on the responsibilities of horse care, and have fun! It's also a great place to make new friends, because everyone here shares your enthusiasm for horses!
All campers are scheduled to ride twice a day and then every day they choose 4 other activities that they would like to do. You can choose horse activities as well as traditional camp activities like arts and crafts, archery, tennis, acting games, swimming, boating, or other sports and games.


Camp Activities [-]

Sports Activities

  • Horseback riding

Locations of this Camp [-]


Camp Address:

130 Sandy Beach Road,
Ellington, CT

Camp Photo Gallery [-]

Camp Video Gallery [-]

Camper Experiences [-]

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