McLean JazzerKamp Dance Camp, McLean, VA

McLean JazzerKamp Dance Camp
1524 Spring Hill Road - KK - 2,
McLean, VA
(703)506-0646 & (703)506-0646 (Winter)
All Girls
Age Group
$100 - $250 (Per Day)
Camp Focus
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About Camp [-]

Jazzerkamp is all about fitness and fun! The girls will dance and exercise to Jazzercise routines and learn two performance routines choreographed to music they love! Every day, campers will learn dance technique, proper nutrition, and stretching tips. Campers will also learn the basics of hip hop, team dance, and cheerleading teamwork. Between the dancing, arts & crafts (e.g. creating their costumes!), and games, there is never a dull moment. Please email us below for more info! Session 1: Ju

Camp Activities [-]

Performing Arts Activities

  • Dance

Locations of this Camp [-]


Camp Address:

1524 Spring Hill Road - KK - 2,
McLean, VA


Off Season Address:

McLean, VA 22102

Camper Experiences [-]

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