We have created a Leadership Program for Kingston’s Campers that want to stay at camp, and eventually become camp counselors or lifeguards. This is for campers entering 7th grade to 9th grade (13 to 15) and must be 13 by the first day of camp. This program is entered by invitation only.
Gophers are given more responsibility and some basic chores. They spend their days team-building, maintaining camp, learning about teaching games and activities, along with expected behavior around younger children. They also create great camp crafts and lead games (toward the end of the time they are there).
Because they are interacting with the campers thoughout the day they enhance our games and activities to a creative and fun level.
Gophers must attend an all camp training day, and come for a minimum of 3 full weeks. Because this is a Leadership Program and Gophers are role models, they must sign a behavioral contract and adhere to it.