Camp NeeKauNis, Waubaushene, Ontario, Canada

Camp NeeKauNis
40 NeeKauNis Road,
Waubaushene, Ontario, Canada
(705) 538-2357
Age Group
5 - 15 yrs
$251 - $400 (Per Day)
Camp Focus
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About Camp [-]

Camp NeeKauNis is a Quaker camp on the shore of Sturgeon Bay, (off Georgian Bay) near Waubaushene, Ontario, 130 km. (about an hour and a half to two hours by car) north of Toronto. Programs for people of all ages offer an experience of caring and sharing in the spirit of Quakerism, in worship, play, work, and reflection. We welcome both children and adults as campers, either on their own or together. Camp can be a joyous and rejuvenating time for an adult, and an experience a child will treasure for life.

Camp Activities [-]

Adventure Activities

Locations of this Camp [-]


Camp Address:

40 NeeKauNis Road,
Waubaushene, Ontario, Canada


Off Season Address:

, Canada

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