Camp Adventure Presented, Buffalo Grove, IL

Camp Adventure Presented
1425 Busch Parkway,
Buffalo Grove, IL
(847) 877-0455
Age Group
5 - 10 yrs
$100 - $250 (Per Day)
Camp Focus
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About Camp [-]

Camp Adventure is a flexible field trip summer camp for children that are going into Kindergarten to children that are going into the 5th Grade located in Buffalo Grove & Schaumburg, IL. Everyday, campers experience an various field trips, games, & sports. Camp Adventure’s goals are to provide a safe environment for children while teaching them the values of diversity, friendship, teamwork while sharing in a variety of experiences and destinations.

Camp Activities [-]

Adventure Activities

  • Environmental

Traditional Activities

Locations of this Camp [-]


Camp Address:

1425 Busch Parkway,
Buffalo Grove, IL

Camper Experiences [-]

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