Camp Adventure Inc , Fort Lauderdale, FL

 Camp Adventure Inc
Fort Lauderdale,
Fort Lauderdale, FL
(954) 475-8650
Age Group
$851 - $1000 (Per Day)
Camp Focus
Assorted adventures
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About Camp [-]

We offer many fun and exciting activities for our campers at Camp Adventure!  We take fun and interesting field trips during the week and have a blast at our summer camp activities here at Tree Tops Park in Davie, Florida. At Camp Adventure we love all sports activities, especially the Camp Adventure specific activities such as Pirate Invasion, Avatar Ball, Pro-Bending, Gator Ball, Battle Ball, etc… (too many to name!). We  also really enjoy doing creative arts such as weekly Arts & Crafts projects, Food Crafts, and nature activities such as boating, fishing, and nature hikes. Some of our other adventures include rock climbing, sand art, barbecues as well as very special camp functions such as Wacky Olympics, Carnival and Color Wars.

Camp Activities [-]

Adventure Activities

  • Assorted adventures

Locations of this Camp [-]


Camp Address:

Fort Lauderdale,
Fort Lauderdale, FL


Off Season Address:

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Camper Experiences [-]

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