From its beginning, the Minnetonka Center for the Arts' purpose has been to help a diverse group of
Minnesotans - particularly families and children-make art a part of everyday life. We believe in the value
of art making and art appreciation. Art not only transforms materials-wet clay and paint, dry canvas and
dusty marble, molten bronze and gold-it transforms lives. We see it in children who go on to higher education in art; start doing better in school; gain self esteem from the experience of creating; and turn around troublesome behaviors and attitudes. We see it in adults who discover talents they never knew they had; enrich their lives after retirement; find new meaning in life despite debilitating illnesses; and become part
of a community where the common bonds are individual expression and love of beauty.
The Minnetonka Center for the Arts was born out of the enthusiasm, confidence, creativity and determination of a small group of people who agreed to take a summer painting class in someone's basement and see where it might lead. That was more than fifty years ago. By the time it was incorporated on June 17, 1952,
the Art Center had a reputation for quality programming on a shoestring budget.