The story of the Arlington Boys & Girls Club is a story of a town of middle-income caring citizens with big hearts. Without benefactors of great wealth and without easy access to grants, Arlington has managed to provide a facility to promote the health, happiness and well-being of all its people.
The Arlington Boys & Girls Club did not come about overnight. It has been a long evolutionary project, dating back officially to 1937, and was built on an idea and hope of Archie Bullock, police chief in 1932. He wrote a letter to the Boys Club of America office in New York in 1932 and received a reply in 1935. He then enlisted the help of the Rotary Club to set up the beginnings. After two more years of work in 1937 a charter was granted by the state to recognize the "forming of a corporation by Archibald Bullock, Arthur Mansfield, Anna Callahan, William Adams, Russell Wise, Bertha Murphy and Annabelle Wood.